在线广告指南:广告研究基础策略与成功战略 The Online Advertising Playbook 下载 极速 rtf epub 在线 word txt pdf

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"Finally, someone has documented all we know about online advertising and how to do it right. As much as this confirms that online advertising really works, we know that marketers don't always get it right. The ARF's The Online Advertising Playbook provides critical insight on what sticks and what doesn't in online advertising and marketing."
—Greg Stuart, CEO and President, Interactive Advertising Bureau and coauthor of What Sticks
"The Online Advertising Playbook's principles, case studies, and strategic insights equip marketers with the best knowledge available. It will help your online advertising achieve the full range of marketing objectives, from lead generation and customer acquisition to driving trial and loyalty."
—Tim Kopp, Vice President, Global Interactive Marketing, The Coca-Cola Company
"To grow interactive marketing from here we need to institutionalize our wisdom and experience about what works. This book explains, in a disciplined way, what marketers have learned from a decade of massive change."
—Ted McConnell, Interactive Innovation Director, Procter & Gamble
"The Online Advertising Playbook is a milestone in the maturation of interactive advertising, but also an invaluable go-to guide for managers trying to make smart decisions with their advertising budgets."
—Van Riley, Vice President of Research, AOL
"The best marketing communication is spawned from what I call 'informed intuition.' After reading The Online Advertising Playbook, I am far better informed on how to optimize the online channel in our advertising and promotional programs. It's a perfect blend of case studies and research-backed learning."
—Rod DeVar, Manager, Advertising and Promotion, United States Postal Service
"Savvy marketers should take advantage of The Online Advertising Playbook's findings and principles to get real results."
—Chris Theodoros, Director of Industry Relations, Google
"A work of wisdom and rigor in the digital space that is as relevant for the newbie as it is for the digerati."
—Mike Donahue, Executive Vice President, American Association of Advertising Agencies
"This is a must-read for any marketing executive involved in online advertising. It's high time that a book looks at online advertising in the context of an integrative promotional strategy, one meant to set objectives, establish creative strategies, and measure results. The book nicely ties the various components of online advertising to relevant case studies, and the emphasis on measurement and results is refreshing. Not only is it relevant for marketing executives, it would also be a good basic text for any Internet advertising course and a good adjunct to any Internet marketing course."
—Henry Assael, Professor of Marketing, Stern School of Business, New York University
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Targeting Approaches: A Unique Element in Online Advertising
Demographic Targeting
Contextual Targeting
Behavioral Targeting
Geographic Targeting
Daypart Targeting
Affinity Targeting
Purchase-Based Category Targeting
Key Considerations in Online Targeting
Winning Plays
CHAPTER 3 Online Advertising Reach and Frequency Concepts
Strategies for Managing Online Reach and Frequency
Experience with Frequency of Online Advertising
Interplay of Reach and SiteVisiting
Winning Plays
CHAPTER 4 Winning Strategies in Online Advertising
Generate Leads and Acquire Customers
Generate Brand Preference to Stimulate Sales
Brand Growth, Rewards, and Loyalty
CHAPTER 5 Display Advertising Online: What to Choose?
Standard Online Advertising Formats
Creative Factors That Influence Display Advertising
Rich Media Advertising on Broadband
Online Video Advertising
Games: An Emerging Online Advertising Medium
Pay Attention to Online Advertising Clutter
Winning Plays
CHAPTER 6 The Connection of Online Search and Advertising
Portrait of the Online Searcher
Consumers Search for Personally Relevant Informatior
Search Is a Journey
Paid Search Advertising Spending
Search Engine MarketingTechniques
Appeals of Natural Listings: Organic Search Engine Optimization
Paid Inclusion
Measuring Search Engine Marketing Campaigns
Strategies for Effective Paid Placement Advertising
Winning Plays
CHAPTER 7 Online Shopping and Buying
Retail Sales and E-Commerce
The Multichannel Marketplace
Today's Online Shopper Profile
The Importance of User-Friendly Shopping Sites
Routes to the Cash Register Are Multichannel
Smart Research Strategies for Retail Growth
Winning Plays
CHAPTER 8 Advertising Personally: Email and Word of Mouth
Win the In-Box Battle
Email Influences Consumer Purchasing
Advertiser Spending on Email
Email for Relationship Building
Word of Mouth
Measuring Word of Mouth
Winning Plays
CHAPTER 9 Futures
A Look Ahead at Emerging Plays
Comments on the Future
Jeff Cole, University of Southern California
Vincent Barabba, Market Insight Corporation
About the Authors
Joe Plummer, PhD, is the Chief Research Officer at The Advertising Research Foundation and recipient of the 2006 Distinguished Marketer Award from the Academy of Marketing Science. He was previously executive vice president for McCann-Erickson WorldGroup.
Praise for The Online Advertising Playbook
"Finally, someone has documented all we know about online advertising and how to do it right. As much as this confirms that online advertising really works, we know that marketers don't always get it right. The ARF's The Online Advertising Playbook provides critical insight on what sticks and what doesn't in online advertising and marketing."
—Greg Stuart, CEO and President, Interactive Advertising Bureau and coauthor of What Sticks
"The Online Advertising Playbook's principles, case studies, and strategic insights equip marketers with the best knowledge available. It will help your online advertising achieve the full range of marketing objectives, from lead generation and customer acquisition to driving trial and loyalty."
—Tim Kopp, Vice President, Global Interactive Marketing, The Coca-Cola Company
"To grow interactive marketing from here we need to institutionalize our wisdom and experience about what works. This book explains, in a disciplined way, what marketers have learned from a decade of massive change."
—Ted McConnell, Interactive Innovation Director, Procter & Gamble
"The Online Advertising Playbook is a milestone in the maturation of interactive advertising, but also an invaluable go-to guide for managers trying to make smart decisions with their advertising budgets."
—Van Riley, Vice President of Research, AOL
"The best marketing communication is spawned from what I call 'informed intuition.' After reading The Online Advertising Playbook, I am far better informed on how to optimize the online channel in our advertising and promotional programs. It's a perfect blend of case studies and research-backed learning."
—Rod DeVar, Manager, Advertising and Promotion, United States Postal Service
"Savvy marketers should take advantage of The Online Advertising Playbook's findings and principles to get real results."
—Chris Theodoros, Director of Industry Relations, Google
"A work of wisdom and rigor in the digital space that is as relevant for the newbie as it is for the digerati."
—Mike Donahue, Executive Vice President, American Association of Advertising Agencies
"This is a must-read for any marketing executive involved in online advertising. It's high time that a book looks at online advertising in the context of an integrative promotional strategy, one meant to set objectives, establish creative strategies, and measure results. The book nicely ties the various components of online advertising to relevant case studies, and the emphasis on measurement and results is refreshing. Not only is it relevant for marketing executives, it would also be a good basic text for any Internet advertising course and a good adjunct to any Internet marketing course."
—Henry Assael, Professor of Marketing, Stern School of Business, New York University
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