高尔夫球场见闻录/ROUGH MEDITATIONS 下载 极速 rtf epub 在线 word txt pdf

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Rough Meditations is a unique collection of fascinating essays that bring the world's greatest golf courses to life with brilliantly colorful prose. These charming and often hilarious essays take golf enthusiasts on an intimate tour of the game's most distinguished courses. Along the way, readers gain a privileged look at the differences between good and bad golf course design. Featured essays include:
In Golf as in Life
Longest Wait That Was Worth It
Goofiest Modern Green
Business or Art?
Read Any Good Greens Lately?
In the Beginning There Was Sand
Worst Shot in Golf
Treasure Hunting
Long considered one of golf's most talented writers, Bradley Klein offers more than fifty essays, ranging from instructive to inspirational, that cover the architecture of courses, how to read greens, the ins and outs of green committees, the relationships that grow from the game, and much more. With a style all his own, Klein takes readers to where he was for years as a caddie on the PGA and LPGA tours—onto the grass and into the game.
作者简介:Bradley S. Klein, PhD, is founding editor of SuperNews, architecture editor of Golfweek magazine, and a design consultant and a frequent speaker at industry and association meetings, as well as a former PGA Tour caddie. He runs Golfweek's "America's Best" national course rating system and is a member of Royal Dornoch Golf Club in Scotland. He is the author of Discovering Donald Ross: The Architect and His Golf Courses (Wiley).
1 Early Days
Father’s Day
Return to Inwood
2 Caddying
Stand by Your Man–1981
A Brief History of Caddying
Stand by Your Woman
The ’96 Mid-Am: A View from the Caddie Yard
3 A Writer’s Game
Caddying for Pat Ward-Thomas at the Old Course
A Thousand Words to Clear His Throat: Herbert Warren Wind
4 Architectural Elements
Architectural Literacy
Classical, Modern, and Post-Modern
Cultural Links
Routing Is Destiny
Movers and Shapers
Who Cares About Teeing Grounds?
Save Us from Green Committees
Trees on Golf Courses: Do They Really Belong?
Golf Courses and Old Ballparks–1996
The Incredible Shrinking Clubhouse
The Tyranny of Yardage
Don’t Make Me Ride
Thank Heaven for Little Four-Pars
Don’t Call Them Women’s Tees
5 Business or Art?
Working Landscapes
Golf Design Goes Ivy League
When Business Threatens Art
Oh No, It’s the PGA Show!
For a Good Time, Call 1-900-CONSULT
Lethal Links?
Golf and the Environment: Wildlife Refuge or Toxic Fairways?
Appearance and Reality in the Ratings Game
Architecture and the Media
6 Read Any Good Greens Lately?
The First Two Inches of Break Are Inside the Cup
Modern Greens Construction Demands Craftsmanship
Riviera’s Greens: An Autopsy
Brown, Not Green, Is Better
7 In the Beginning There Was Sand
Mysteries of the 14th at St Andrews
The Linksland of Machrihanish
Scotland’s Northern Links
Western Ireland: The Wind, the Sea, and the Guinness
8 Treasure Hunting
Astoria: A Coastal Oregon Gem
The Orchards: Superintendent Revives Rundown Ross Treasure
The Fine Art of Restoration–1994
9 Classical Tracks
Pine Valley
Augusta National: What You See and What You Don’t See
Speaking of Hills
East Lake: The Heart and Soul of a New Atlanta–1995
Bethpage Black
Oakland Hills: Interview with "A Monster"
10 Best and Worst Awards
11 In Golf as in Life
Divot Man
How You Handle How You Play
A Golfer in the Garden
Those All-Important Marriage Points
One Divot I’ll Never Replace
A Sense of Security Out West
What’s Really Important
For Further Reading
"In Rough Meditations, reading about golf courses is almost as much fun as playing them." --Arnold Palmer "Many golfers have strong opinions when it comes to course architecture. Nobody, however, matches Brad Klein's ability to explain the difference between good and bad design. Rough Meditations deserves a place on that select list of must-reads for anyone who cares about the art of the golf course." --Peter Jacobsen "Rough Meditations is eloquently written, blends a variety of topics seamlessly together, and touches repeatedly on aspects of golf that are barely acknowledged by the majority of golfers and pretty much disregarded by devotees of the 'aerial game.' If you haven't done so already, buy this book. Read it. Digest what it says. Become architecturally 'literate.' It's worth it." --Bob Weisgerber, Golf Today Magazine Rough Meditations is a unique collection of fascinating essays that bring the world's greatest golf courses to life with brilliantly colorful prose. These charming and often hilarious essays take golf enthusiasts on an intimate tour of the game's most distinguished courses. Along the way, readers gain a privileged look at the differences between good and bad golf course design. Featured essays include: In Golf as in Life Longest Wait That Was Worth It Goofiest Modern Green Business or Art? Read Any Good Greens Lately? In the Beginning There Was Sand Worst Shot in Golf Treasure Hunting Long considered one of golf's most talented writers, Bradley Klein offers more than fifty essays, ranging from instructive to inspirational, that cover the architecture of courses, how to read greens, the ins and outs of green committees, the relationships that grow from the game, and much more. With a style all his own, Klein takes readers to where he was for years as a caddie on the PGA and LPGA tours--onto the grass and into the game.
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