Business Growth Strategies for Asia Pacific 下载 极速 rtf epub 在线 word txt pdf

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"Readers will find this book useful as a guide to understanding Asian business from both the macroscopic and microscopic standpoints.... Any company that wishes to win in Asia must properly develop and train its managers to think strategically and to execute effectively. This book is one of the best available to help serve this purpose."
--Koh Boon Hwee, Chairman, Singapore Airlines
"This book's comprehensive and insightful coverage on business growth strategies for Asia Pacific makes it one of the best practitioner's guides. Stan Shih, one of the most respectful entrepreneurs of our time, has joined force with Dr. Willie Chien and Dr. Po-Young Chu to share their valuable experiences with those who wish to develop their business in Asia. The methodology proposed by the authors to analyze the complex competitive conditions and subtle cultural factors related to Asian market provides enormous help for international companies, either Western or Asian, to plan and to execute their business strategies for Asia."
--Dr Morris Chang, Chairman and CEO, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC)
"In this book, the authors have used numerous examples and case studies from a broad range of industries to highlight the critical importance of defining a strategy for Asia with local market characteristics. Where they have excelled is in their systematic use of analytical models to describe the complex business environment. I believe that the readers will unlock the value of this book when they start following the models proposed to plan for their Asia Pacific business strategy."
--Jim Morgan, Chairman and CEO, Applied Materials
"Drawing on the considerable experience of two of Asia Pacific's successful practitioners, this work is a compelling business map for anyone wanting to engage in business in Asia Pacific and a necessary part of the tool-kit of the asian specialist laying out a path to success in this dynamic part of our world."
--Armin Meyer, Chairman and CEO, Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Asia's rapid economic growth offers both threats and opportunities for foreign investors. Experience has shown that those who plunge into the Asian market without an effective business strategy and a cohesive implementation plan usually under-perform, regardless of whatever success they may have had in their home markets. For those who understand the Asian cultural background and the subtleties of the market, however, the rewards can be substantial.
That Asian companies are increasingly establishing themselves as leaders in their respective industry segments is made abundantly clear in the many case studies in this book, in which the authors include a close analysis of some of Asia's most compelling success stories:
·Toyota Motor Corporation
·Singapore Airlines
·Samsung Electronics
·TSMC (semiconductors)
·Formosa Plastics Group (chemicals)
·Haier (white goods).
The competitive landscape for most industries today is shifting at an unprecedented pace and on a global scale. If any company, no matter where it is located, intends to remain competitive, there is simply no room for complacency.
This book proposes several innovative models and ideas to help readers measure and analyze market opportunities in Asia, and provides valuable insights into consumer behavior, value-chain analysis, innovation capabilities and cost benchmarks within an Asian context. The authors introduce a comprehensive methodology for formulating and implementing a business strategy built around having the right people in the right organizational structure. In adapting Western management theory and practice to the specific needs of the Asian market environment, this book will prove invaluable to anyone wishing to do business in the Asia Pacific region.
"Readers will find this book useful as a guide to understanding Asian business from both the macroscopic and microscopic standpoints.... Any company that wishes to win in Asia must properly develop and train its managers to think strategically and to execute effectively. This book is one of the best available to help serve this purpose."
--Koh Boon Hwee, Chairman, Singapore Airlines
"This book's comprehensive and insightful coverage on business growth strategies for Asia Pacific makes it one of the best practitioner's guides. Stan Shih, one of the most respectful entrepreneurs of our time, has joined force with Dr. Willie Chien and Dr. Po-Young Chu to share their valuable experiences with those who wish to develop their business in Asia. The methodology proposed by the authors to analyze the complex competitive conditions and subtle cultural factors related to Asian market provides enormous help for international companies, either Western or Asian, to plan and to execute their business strategies for Asia."
--Dr Morris Chang, Chairman and CEO, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC)
"In this book, the authors have used numerous examples and case studies from a broad range of industries to highlight the critical importance of defining a strategy for Asia with local market characteristics. Where they have excelled is in their systematic use of analytical models to describe the complex business environment. I believe that the readers will unlock the value of this book when they start following the models proposed to plan for their Asia Pacific business strategy."
--Jim Morgan, Chairman and CEO, Applied Materials
"Drawing on the considerable experience of two of Asia Pacific's successful practitioners, this work is a compelling business map for anyone wanting to engage in business in Asia Pacific and a necessary part of the tool-kit of the asian specialist laying out a path to success in this dynamic part of our world."
--Armin Meyer, Chairman and CEO, Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Asia's rapid economic growth offers both threats and opportunities for foreign investors. Experience has shown that those who plunge into the Asian market without an effective business strategy and a cohesive implementation plan usually under-perform, regardless of whatever success they may have had in their home markets. For those who understand the Asian cultural background and the subtleties of the market, however, the rewards can be substantial.
That Asian companies are increasingly establishing themselves as leaders in their respective industry segments is made abundantly clear in the many case studies in this book, in which the authors include a close analysis of some of Asia's most compelling success stories:
·Toyota Motor Corporation
·Singapore Airlines
·Samsung Electronics
·TSMC (semiconductors)
·Formosa Plastics Group (chemicals)
·Haier (white goods).
The competitive landscape for most industries today is shifting at an unprecedented pace and on a global scale. If any company, no matter where it is located, intends to remain competitive, there is simply no room for complacency.
This book proposes several innovative models and ideas to help readers measure and analyze market opportunities in Asia, and provides valuable insights into consumer behavior, value-chain analysis, innovation capabilities and cost benchmarks within an Asian context. The authors introduce a comprehensive methodology for formulating and implementing a business strategy built around having the right people in the right organizational structure. In adapting Western management theory and practice to the specific needs of the Asian market environment, this book will prove invaluable to anyone wishing to do business in the Asia Pacific region.
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