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Practical techniques show you how to form realistic ambitions,
develop your skills, and achieve your objectives.
Learn all you need to know to make the most of your potential at
work, from setting goals to developing the determination, energy,
and skills required to achieve them. Achieving Excellence not only
shows you how to network effectively and make the most of your
time, but also provides practical techniques for improving your
memory, sharpening mental agility, thinking creatively, and
reducing stress. Power tips help you to overcome every obstacle in
the quest to fulfill your ambitions and achieve success in the
workplace. The Essential Manager have sold more than 1.9 million
copies worldwide! Experienced and novice managers alike can benefit
from these compact guides that slip easily into a briefcase or a
portfolio. The topics are relevant to every work environment, from
large corporations to small businesses. Concise treatments of
dozens of business techniques, skills, methods, and problems are
presented with hundreds of photos, charts, and diagrams. It is the
most exciting and accessible approach to business and
self-improvement available.
Simon Howard is a Chairman of Park Human Resources and a
director of SHL Group, one of the world's leaders in the design and
publishing of psychometric tests and other recruitment systems. He
writes a weekly column on recruitment and employment issues and
regularly contributes to People Management.
Robert Heller is a leading authority on management consulting and
was the founding editor of Management Today. He is the author of
many acclaimed and worldwide best selling books, including The
Naked Manager, Culture Shock, and The Way to Win.
If you're in search of career or managerial excellence in 72
short 'n' sweet pages or less, you'll love this visually snappy,
pintsize guide to doing just that, from setting goals to developing
the determination, energy, and skills required to achieve them.
Here, you'll learn not only how to network effectively and make the
most of your time, but how to master practical techniques for
improving your memory, sharpening your mental agility, thinking
creatively, and reducing stress. Lots of fun checklists and flow
charts help you get a grip on such key building blocks to
excellence as guided risk-taking, staying in top physical and
mental shape, writing and speaking more fluently, prioritizing, and
influencing others. Granted, if you're looking for very specific or
in-depth guidance, you may find this book too cursory and general
in its approach. But if you're looking for a thumbnail guide to the
basics, it'll do you just fine.
It's worth mentioning that the book is also part of reference
publisher Dorling Kindersley's Essential Managers series--20
itty-bitty li'l books on business and career topics ranging from
communication, leadership, and decision making to the management of
time, budgets, change, meetings, people, projects, and teams.
Combining the For Dummies book series's talent for breaking down a
lot of information into bite-size bits and sidebars with Dorling
Kindersley's signature design style of crisp, classy graphics on a
gleaming white backdrop, they don't represent the cutting edge of
business thinking and they don't necessarily reflect any unique
individual perspective. Instead, it's as though someone collated
the best general thinking on these 20 topics and rolled them out
into 72 brightly designed and easy-to-read pages, studded along the
way with boxed tips, color shots of a multiracial cast of
"coworkers" animatedly hashing through the workplace issues of the
day, and a self-test of one's skills in the topic at hand on the
last few pages of each volume. Again, they're not for anyone
looking for more in-depth or focused help on any of the subjects
they cover, but they're perfect as a quickie general-interest
reference... and let's face it, they're so damned cute and look so
smart in a neat little stack or row that you'll probably want to
buy a whole bunch to give as gifts to your entire staff or
department. --Timothy Murphy
Practical techniques show you how to form realistic ambitions, develop your skills, and achieve your objectives.
Learn all you need to know to make the most of your potential at work, from setting goals to developing the determination, energy, and skills required to achieve them. Achieving Excellence not only shows you how to network effectively and make the most of your time, but also provides practical techniques for improving your memory, sharpening mental agility, thinking creatively, and reducing stress. Power tips help you to overcome every obstacle in the quest to fulfill your ambitions and achieve success in the workplace. The Essential Manager have sold more than 1.9 million copies worldwide! Experienced and novice managers alike can benefit from these compact guides that slip easily into a briefcase or a portfolio. The topics are relevant to every work environment, from large corporations to small businesses. Concise treatments of dozens of business techniques, skills, methods, and problems are presented with hundreds of photos, charts, and diagrams. It is the most exciting and accessible approach to business and self-improvement available.
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