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This is the first comprehensive analysis of emerging office design practice to support and enhance the performance of knowledge workers. It explains how the office is being reinvented to respond to the imperatives of knowledge work, as well as the changing social imperatives and technology of the new millennium. A wide range of international workplace architecture and interior schemes that are leading the way in this important area is showcased. The book sets its 43 international case studies within a unique conceptual matrix that provides a framework for thinking about new strategies for reinventing office space. It identifies four 'realms' for knowledge work - the learning campus (ACADEMY); the professional cluster (GUILD); the public workplace (AGORA) and the live-work setting (LODGE). The authors argue that only by finding an entirely new equilibrium at work between the opposing forces of family, colleagues, customers and professional peers can knowledge workers in the 21st century achieve the same productivity gains as manual labour in the 20th century. ACADEMY: Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners West, San Francisco, USA Jensen and Macy Architects/Telenor, Oslo, Norway NBBJ/HUS/PKA/Dark Design/Sedgwick Rd., Seattle, USA Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects/PricewaterhouseCoopers, Birmingham, UK, BDGworkfuture/Rafineri, Istanbul, Turkey Erginoglu & Calislar/Pallotta TeamWorks, Los Angeles, USA, Clive Wilkinson Architects/Norddeutsche Landesbank, Hanover, Germany Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner/BMW Plant, Central Building, Leipzig, Germany Zaha Hadid Architects/Mother, London, UK Clive Wilkinson Architects/Ericsson North American Headquarters, Plano, USA Thompson Vaivoda & Associates Architects/Interpolis, Tilburg, Holland Veldhoen + Company/Genzyme Center, Cambridge, USA Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner/Enjoy, Paris, France Edouard Francois/EMI London Headquarters, London, UK MoreySmith Design and Architecture. GUILD: BBC Media Centre, London, UK, Allies and Morrison/DEGW/Parliamentary Annexe, Helsinki, Finland, Helin & Co Architects/Future Centre, Innsbruck, Austria Peter Lorenz/Momentum, Horsholm, Denmark Bosch & Fjord Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh, Scotland Enric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue Embt Arquitectes Associats SL/RMJM/ESO Hotel, Cerro Paranal, Chile Auer+Weber+Architekten/The Royal Society, London, UK Burrell Foley Fischer LLP/Pixar Animation Studios, Emeryville, USA Bohlin Cywinski Jackson/Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany Heikkinen-Komonen Architects. AGORA: Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass LLP, San Francisco, USA Aston Pereira & Associates/Less Limited, Hong Kong, China Dou Design/Bill Price Porta22, Barcelona, Spain Interiors Disseny/30 St Mary Axe, London, UK Foster and Partners/Madrid Regional Documentary Centre, Madrid, Spain Mansilla + Tunon/Kennispoort, Eindhoven, Holland Koen van Velsen One Omotesando, Tokyo, Japan Kengo Kuma & Associates/Maison de l'Architecture, Paris, France Chartier-Corbasson Architectes/Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce, Rotterdam, Holland Veldhoen + Company/Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse, Johannesburg, South Africa W1 Studio/Munich Re, Munich, Germany Baumschlager & Eberle/Academyhills Roppongi Library, Tokyo, Japan Kengo Kuma & Associates. LODGE: East Union Live-Work Lofts, Seattle, USA The Miller/Hull Partnership/Creative Lofts, Huddersfield, UK Brewster Bye Architects/Designer's Loft, Tokyo, Japan Toshihiko Suzuki/Hirota Design Studio/Mann Residence, Sonoma County, USA Fernau & Hartman Architects, Inc. Katsan Office Building, Stockholm, Sweden White Architects/Home/Office, New York, USA Roger Hirsch Architect and Myriam Corti/Apartment, Orio, Spain Zomad Arquitectos/Hemingways' Outdoor Office, London, UK Hemingway Design.
This is the first comprehensive analysis of emerging office design practice to support and enhance the performance of knowledge workers. It explains how the office is being reinvented to respond to the imperatives of knowledge work, as well as the changing social imperatives and technology of the new millennium. A wide range of international workplace architecture and interior schemes that are leading the way in this important area is showcased. The book sets its 43 international case studies within a unique conceptual matrix that provides a framework for thinking about new strategies for reinventing office space. It identifies four 'realms' for knowledge work - the learning campus (ACADEMY); the professional cluster (GUILD); the public workplace (AGORA) and the live-work setting (LODGE). The authors argue that only by finding an entirely new equilibrium at work between the opposing forces of family, colleagues, customers and professional peers can knowledge workers in the 21st century achieve the same productivity gains as manual labour in the 20th century. ACADEMY: Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners West, San Francisco, USA Jensen and Macy Architects/Telenor, Oslo, Norway NBBJ/HUS/PKA/Dark Design/Sedgwick Rd., Seattle, USA Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects/PricewaterhouseCoopers, Birmingham, UK, BDGworkfuture/Rafineri, Istanbul, Turkey Erginoglu & Calislar/Pallotta TeamWorks, Los Angeles, USA, Clive Wilkinson Architects/Norddeutsche Landesbank, Hanover, Germany Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner/BMW Plant, Central Building, Leipzig, Germany Zaha Hadid Architects/Mother, London, UK Clive Wilkinson Architects/Ericsson North American Headquarters, Plano, USA Thompson Vaivoda & Associates Architects/Interpolis, Tilburg, Holland Veldhoen + Company/Genzyme Center, Cambridge, USA Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner/Enjoy, Paris, France Edouard Francois/EMI London Headquarters, London, UK MoreySmith Design and Architecture. GUILD: BBC Media Centre, London, UK, Allies and Morrison/DEGW/Parliamentary Annexe, Helsinki, Finland, Helin & Co Architects/Future Centre, Innsbruck, Austria Peter Lorenz/Momentum, Horsholm, Denmark Bosch & Fjord Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh, Scotland Enric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue Embt Arquitectes Associats SL/RMJM/ESO Hotel, Cerro Paranal, Chile Auer+Weber+Architekten/The Royal Society, London, UK Burrell Foley Fischer LLP/Pixar Animation Studios, Emeryville, USA Bohlin Cywinski Jackson/Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany Heikkinen-Komonen Architects. AGORA: Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass LLP, San Francisco, USA Aston Pereira & Associates/Less Limited, Hong Kong, China Dou Design/Bill Price Porta22, Barcelona, Spain Interiors Disseny/30 St Mary Axe, London, UK Foster and Partners/Madrid Regional Documentary Centre, Madrid, Spain Mansilla + Tunon/Kennispoort, Eindhoven, Holland Koen van Velsen One Omotesando, Tokyo, Japan Kengo Kuma & Associates/Maison de l'Architecture, Paris, France Chartier-Corbasson Architectes/Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce, Rotterdam, Holland Veldhoen + Company/Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse, Johannesburg, South Africa W1 Studio/Munich Re, Munich, Germany Baumschlager & Eberle/Academyhills Roppongi Library, Tokyo, Japan Kengo Kuma & Associates. LODGE: East Union Live-Work Lofts, Seattle, USA The Miller/Hull Partnership/Creative Lofts, Huddersfield, UK Brewster Bye Architects/Designer's Loft, Tokyo, Japan Toshihiko Suzuki/Hirota Design Studio/Mann Residence, Sonoma County, USA Fernau & Hartman Architects, Inc. Katsan Office Building, Stockholm, Sweden White Architects/Home/Office, New York, USA Roger Hirsch Architect and Myriam Corti/Apartment, Orio, Spain Zomad Arquitectos/Hemingways' Outdoor Office, London, UK Hemingway Design.
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