Pauline Frommer’S Hawaii: Spend Less, See More, 2nd Edition少花钱多旅游——夏威夷,第2版 下载 极速 rtf epub 在线 word txt pdf

Pauline Frommer’S Hawaii: Spend Less, See More, 2nd Edition少花钱多旅游——夏威夷,第2版电子书下载地址
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Spend less, see more. This is the philosophy behind Pauline Frommer’s guides. Written by travel expert Pauline Frommer (who is also the daughter of Arthur Frommer), and her team of hand-picked writers, these guides show how to truly experience a culture, meet locals, and save money along the way.
Industry secrets on how to find the best hotel rooms
Details on alternative accommodations, great neighborhood restaurants, and cool, offbeat finds
Packed with personality and opinions
"A great read. . . . Lively and unabashedly opinionated."
—New York Post
Budget Travel Redefined
I put a fresh spin on budget travel, showing you not only how to spend less in Hawaii, but how to see it in a more authentic way, without sacrificing comfort for savings.
Cozy, restful accommodations: Instead of spending $300 a night for a chain hotel, bed down in a Victorian mansion for $65 a night at Maureen's B&B on the Big Island (p. 351) or stay in a beachfront condo on Maui for $98 a night (p. 245).
Food finds: I'll take you to the best of the island's authentic Hawaiian restaurants and food stands and the places where up-and-coming chefs are making names for themselves.
Sights and attractions: Get in-depth coverage of Hawaii's iconic sights and the gems most visitors miss, plus the best in snorkeling, hiking, beachcombing, surfing, and more.
Insider's Hawaii: Drop in on slack-key guitar jam sessions on Oahu (p. 155) or volunteer for the Hawaii Wildlife Fund on Maui to help endangered sea turtles (p. 294).
A resident of the Big Island, Jeanette Foster has skied the slopes of Mauna Kea—during a Fourth of July ski meet, no less—and gone scuba diving with manta rays off the Kona Coast. A prolific writer widely published in travel, sports, and adventure magazines, she’s also a contributing editor to Hawaii magazine, the editor of Zagat’s Survey to Hawaii’s Top Restaurants, and the Hawaii chapter author of 1,000 Places to See in the U.S.A. and Canada Before You Die. In addition to writing this guide, Jeanette is the author of Frommer’s Maui; Frommer’s Kauai; Frommer’s Hawaii with Kids; Frommer’s Portable Big Island; Frommer’s Honolulu, Waikiki & Oahu; Frommer’s Maui & Lanai Day by Day; and Frommer’s Honolulu & Oahu Day by Day.
Pauline Frommer is the creator of the award winning Pauline Frommer’s Guides. Pauline Frommer’s London and Pauline Frommer’s New York City were named “Best Guidebook of the Year” (in 2006 and 2007 respectively) by the North American Travel Journalists Association. She is also a recipient of a Lowell Thomas Medal from the Society of American Travel Writers for her magazine work, and a Webby Peoples Voice award for her work as the first editor of Every Sunday, she cohosts “The Travel Show” with her father Arthur Frommer, now heard on over 100 radio stations across the United States. On Wednesdays, she appears on CNNOnline to discuss the latest travel trends; you may also have seen her discussing travel on Today, The Early Show, Live with Regis and Kelly, The O’Reilly Factor, The CBS Evening News, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. Pauline pens a bi-weekly column for and contributed a chapter to the book The Experts Guide to Babies on traveling with children. She is married to physical therapist Mahlon Stewart and the proud mother of two very well traveled daughters, Veronice (age 9) and Beatrix (age 5).
A Note from Pauline.
1 The Best of Hawaii.
A Brief Summary of the Islands.
Best Sights, Attractions & Activities.
Best People-Watching Beaches.
Best Secluded Beaches.
Best Beaches If You’re a Kid.
Best Beaches for Ocean Sports.
Best Active Experiences.
Best “Other Hawaii” Activities.
Best Places to Eat.
2 Kauai: Hawaii’s Garden of Eden.
Don’t Leave Kauai Without.
A Brief History.8
Lay of the Land.
Getting To & Around Kauai.
Accommodations, Both Standard & Not.
Dining for All Tastes.
hy You’re Here: Kauai’s Beaches.
The Top Sights & Attractions.
The Other Kauai.
Active Kauai.
Attention, Shoppers!
Nightlife on Kauai.
3 Oahu: The Main Draw.
Don’t Leave Oahu Without.
A Brief History.
Lay of the Land.
Getting To & Around Oahu.
Accommodations, Both Standard & Not.
Dining for All Tastes.
Why You’re Here: Oahu’s Beaches.
The Top Sights & Attractions.
The Other Oahu.
Active Oahu.
Attention, Shoppers!
Nightlife on Oahu.
4 Molokai: The Real Hawaii.
Don’t Leave Molokai Without.
A Brief History.
Lay of The Land.
Getting To & Around Molokai.
Accommodations, Both Standard & Not.
Dining for All Tastes.
Why You’re Here: Molokai’s Beaches.
The Top Sights & Attractions.
The Other Molokai.
Active Molokai.
Attention, Shoppers!
Nightlife on Molokai.
5 Lanai: From Tropical Fruit to Tourism.
Don’t Leave Lanai Without.
A Brief History.
The Lay of the Land.
Getting To & Around Lanai.
Accommodations, Both Standard & Not.
Dining for All Tastes.
Why You’re Here: Lanai’s Beaches.
The Top Sights & Attractions.
he Other Lanai.
Active Lanai.
Attention, Shoppers!
6 Maui: Hawaii’s Most Celebrated Island.
7 Hawaii: The Big Island.
8 The Essentials of Planning
9 Hawaiian Terms & Phrases.
10 The Natural Wonder That Is Hawaii.
Spend less, see more. This is the philosophy behind Pauline Frommer’s guides. Written by travel expert Pauline Frommer (who is also the daughter of Arthur Frommer), and her team of hand–picked writers, these guides show how to truly experience a culture, meet locals, and save money along the way. Industry secrets on how to find the best hotel rooms Details on alternative accommodations, great neighborhood restaurants, and cool, offbeat finds Packed with personality and opinions
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