原版现代语言学丛书:语义学 第二版 下载 极速 rtf epub 在线 word txt pdf

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原版现代语言学丛书:语义学 第二版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787544645058
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2016-9-1
  • 页数:269
  • 价格:92.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看





Preface to the First Edition

Preface to the Second Edition

1 Introduction

1.1 Semantics and pragmatics

1.2 Kinds of meaning

1.2.1 Denotation and Sense

1.2.2 Lexical and structural meaning

1.2.3 Categorematic and syncategorematic expressions

1.3 Truth—conditional theories of meaning

1.3.1 Denotations

1.3.2 Possible worlds, extension and intension

1.3.3 Truth conditions

1.3.4 Truth—based relations between statements

1.4 Implicature

1.4.1 The Principle of Relevance

1.4.2 The Principle of Informativeness

1.5 Other contextual factors: indexicality and anaphors

1.6 Presupposition


Further Reading

2 Basic Logical Tools

2.1 Representations for meanings

2.2 The logical connectives

2.2.1 Conjunction

2.2.2 Negation

2.2.3 Disjunction

2.2.4 The material implication connective

2.2.5 The biconditional connective

2.3 Predicates and arguments

2.3.1 Predicates, verbs and the number of arguments

2.3.2 Sentences as arguments

2.3.3 Path arguments


Further Reading

3 The Logical Quantifiers

3.1 The universal quantifier

3.2 The existential quantifier

3.3 Intersective and non—intersective adjectives

3.4 The logical quantifiers are interdefinable

3.5 Scope and scopal ambiguity

3.5.1 Scope and tree diagrams

3.5.2 Scopal ambiguity


Further Reading

4 Formal Composition

4.1 Types

4.2 Functions

4.3 Types of function

4.4 Lambda abstraction

4.5 Some general rules for semantic composition

4.6 Predicate variables

Summary of rules and definitions


Further Reading

5 Modality and Possible Worlds

5.1 Kinds of modality

5.1.1 Logical modality

5.1.2 Epistemic modality

5.1.3 Deontic modality

5.2 Modality and possible worlds

5.2.1 Logical modality and possible worlds

5.2.2 Epistemic modality and possible worlds

5.2.3 Deontic modality and possible worlds

5.2.4 Interdefinability with negation

5.3 Counterfactuals


Further Reading

6 Generalized Quantifiers

6.1 Quantification beyond first order logic

6.2 Generalized Quantifier Theory

6.3 Different types of quantifier determiner

6.3.1 Group 1 and Group 2 determiners

6.3.2 The ambiguity of few and many

6.3.3 Few and a few

6.3.4 Some and several

6.4 Restricted quantifier notation

6.5 Scopal ambiguity

6.6 Proportional determiners and discourse familiarity

6.7 Strong and weak determiners and there BE sentences

6.7.1 The definiteness effect

6.7.2 Types of there BEsentence

6.8 Determiner the and definite descriptions

6.8.1 Russell's Theory of Descriptions

6.8.2 The as a generalized quantifier

6.8.3 Definite descriptions as strong NPs

Familiarity effects

Definite descriptions in there BE contexts

Definite descriptions and scopal ambiguity

6.9 Quantifiers and negative polarity items

6.10 Generalized quantifiers as lambda functions


Further Reading

7 Referential Opacity

7.1 Quine's referential opacity

7.2 Modality, descriptions and names

7.2.1 Modality and names

7.2.2 Modality and descriptions

7.3 Propositional attitudes and descriptions

7.4 Summary: descriptions and scope

7.5 Propositional attitudes and names

7.6 De re and de dicto readings with other quantifiers

7.7 Indefinite descriptions and specificity


Further Reading

8 Aktionsarten: Aspectual Classes of Events

8.1 Vendler's four aspectual classes

8.2 Diagnostic tests for aktionsarten

8.2.1 In adverbials

8.2.2 The take time construction

8.2.3 For adverbials

8.2.4 The sub—interval property

8.2.5 Entailments of the progressive

8.2.6 Duration and the progressive

8.3 Telicity and boundedness

8.4 Semelfactive predicates

8.5 Aktionsarten and agentivity

8.6 Nominal and verbal aspect

8.7 Closing comment


Further Reading

9 Tense and Aspect

9.1 Introduction

9.2 The English verb group

9.3 Interpretations of present, past, progressive and perfect

9.3.1 Interpretations of the present tense

9.3.2 Interpretations of the past tense

9.3.3 Other forms for future and habitual

9.3.4 Interpretations of the progressive

9.3.5 Interpretations of the present perfect

Present time adverbials

Current result states

'Hot news' perfect

Continuing state

9.4 Tense as an operator

9.5 Tense and reference to times

9.6 Reichenbach's analysis of tense

9.7 Reference to times in a narrative

9.7.1 Reference time movement

9.7.2 State/progressive includes reference time:reference time includes bounded event

9.7.3 Is r the same as Reichenbach's R?

9.7.4 General principles for temporal interpretation in narrative

9.7.5 Adding tense

9.8 Closing comment


Further Reading

10 Thematic Roles and Lexical Conceptual Structure

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Traditional thematic roles

10.2.1 Agent/Actor and Patient

10.2.2 Localist roles

10.2.3 Recipient and benefactive

10.2.4 Experiencer and stimulus

10.2.5 Do adjuncts have thematic roles?

10.2.6 Themes and Patients

10.2.7 Summary

10.3 More detailed analysis of thematic roles

10.4 Lexical conceptual structure and thematic roles

10.4.1 The action tier

10.4.2 Theme, goal and location

10.4.3 Experiencer and stimulus

10.4.4 Motion event roles

10.4.5 Recipient find benefactive

10.4.6 Summary oftheta roles in LCS

10.5 Verb classes and LCS

10.6 Closing comment

Summary of LCS symbols and definitions with selected examples


Further Reading

11 Events

11.1 Davidson's analysis of action sentences

11.2 Neodavidsonian developments

11.2.1 Separation of direct arguments

11.2.2 Relations to events

11.2.3 The adicity of verbal predicates

11.3 Events and perception verbs

11.4 Adding tense and NP quantifiers


Further Reading




KATE KEARNS Senior Lecturer in Linguistics at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.










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