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Drawing on the first study of 1600 scorers conducted with the full cooperation of the College Board, here are the 7 secrets to success on the SAT -- and in life.
Every year roughly 2.3 million high school students take the SAT; of those, however, only 650 students on average achieve a perfect score of 1600. Such a statistic raises obvious questions: Who are these kids? What are they like? And how do they do it?
In a new landmark study, educator and executive recruiter Tom Fischgrund became the first researcher ever granted comprehensive access to these high academic achievers by the College Board, the body that administers the SAT. Weaving together in-depth interviews with perfect-score students, insights from their parents, and exclusive College Board data, in 1600 Perfect Score he reveals the 7 secrets that separate the cream from the crop.
Among the Revelations
* Attending small private schools (or any school with classes) doesn't always make a big difference ... but having strong family support does
* Paying for expensive classes or tutors doesn'talways make a big difference ... but takinglots of practice tests at home does
* Having a strongly motivating teacher doesn't always make a big difference ... but having an independent passion for learning definitely does
Packed with intriguing case studies and practical advice -- and tips from the 1600 scorers themselves -- this essential book brings hard data and a new, more human perspective to one of the greatest challenges parents everywhere face: how to make sure their children have the best chance to thrive in high school, college, and beyond.
Here's an enlightening investigation of the lifestyles and study habits of SAT perfect-score achievers. Don't expect the findings to push every test taker to the top, but they do shed some light on what it takes to get there. Fischgrund, a professional educator and executive recruiter, surveyed a select number of 1,600 achievers, comparing their responses with a control group to bring out the idea that there's more to scoring high than simply being smart. He brings together his findings in "seven secrets" that any motivated student can apply. Along with the practicalities, Fischgrund presents some interesting background on the test itself, an examination that has become, for good or ill, almost a rite of passage among high-school seniors. The practical takes a back seat to the sociological, though, so this may not be a first choice for teens preparing for exams. Still, some of the revelations are bound to surprise not only those who aim for perfection but their parents and teachers as well.
Stephanie Zvirin
length: (cm)22.2 width:(cm)15.2
Drawing on the first study of 1600 scorers conducted with the full cooperation of the College Board, here are the 7 secrets to success on the SAT -- and in life.
Every year roughly 2.3 million high school students take the SAT; of those, however, only 650 students on average achieve a perfect score of 1600. Such a statistic raises obvious questions: Who are these kids? What are they like? And how do they do it?
In a new landmark study, educator and executive recruiter Tom Fischgrund became the first researcher ever granted comprehensive access to these high academic achievers by the College Board, the body that administers the SAT. Weaving together in-depth interviews with perfect-score students, insights from their parents, and exclusive College Board data, in 1600 Perfect Score he reveals the 7 secrets that separate the cream from the crop.
Among the Revelations
* Attending small private schools (or any school with classes) doesn't always make a big difference ... but having strong family support does
* Paying for expensive classes or tutors doesn'talways make a big difference ... but takinglots of practice tests at home does
* Having a strongly motivating teacher doesn't always make a big difference ... but having an independent passion for learning definitely does
Packed with intriguing case studies and practical advice -- and tips from the 1600 scorers themselves -- this essential book brings hard data and a new, more human perspective to one of the greatest challenges parents everywhere face: how to make sure their children have the best chance to thrive in high school, college, and beyond.
Here's an enlightening investigation of the lifestyles and study habits of SAT perfect-score achievers. Don't expect the findings to push every test taker to the top, but they do shed some light on what it takes to get there. Fischgrund, a professional educator and executive recruiter, surveyed a select number of 1,600 achievers, comparing their responses with a control group to bring out the idea that there's more to scoring high than simply being smart. He brings together his findings in "seven secrets" that any motivated student can apply. Along with the practicalities, Fischgrund presents some interesting background on the test itself, an examination that has become, for good or ill, almost a rite of passage among high-school seniors. The practical takes a back seat to the sociological, though, so this may not be a first choice for teens preparing for exams. Still, some of the revelations are bound to surprise not only those who aim for perfection but their parents and teachers as well.
Stephanie Zvirin
length: (cm)22.2 width:(cm)15.2
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