The Complete Guide To Mergers And Acquisitions: Process Tools To Support M&A Integration At Every Level, Second Edition9780787994600 下载 极速 rtf epub 在线 word txt pdf

The Complete Guide To Mergers And Acquisitions: Process Tools To Support M&A Integration At Every Level, Second Edition9780787994600精美图片
》The Complete Guide To Mergers And Acquisitions: Process Tools To Support M&A Integration At Every Level, Second Edition9780787994600电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

The Complete Guide To Mergers And Acquisitions: Process Tools To Support M&A Integration At Every Level, Second Edition9780787994600书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780787994600
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-06
  • 页数:318
  • 价格:309.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:大16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) experts Tim Galpin and Mark Herndon present an updated and expanded guide to planning and managing the M&A process. This comprehensive book is unique in providing the tools to address both the human and operational sides of integration. Based on the authors' consulting experience with numerous Fortune 500 companies, this resource will help organizations capture deal synergies more quickly and effectively. Augmenting their step-by-step advice with helpful templates, checklists, graphs and tools, Galpin and Herndon provide sound guidance for successfully integrating different processes, organizations, and cultures. The authors also address pre-deal do’s and don’ts, people dynamics, common mistakes, communications strategies, and specific actions you can take to create measurable positive results throughout the integration process. The revised edition not only updates case studies and presents recent integration research, but it also adds new tools.


Foreword by Jon Katzenbach..


The Authors.

1. Integration: The Real Deal.

Buyer Beware!.

Why Deals Are Done.

Integration: An Experience-Driven Skill Set.

The Deal Flow Model.

2. Integration Begins with Due Diligence.

Redefining the Process of Due Diligence.

Due Diligence and Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of


Due Diligence and Strategic Integration Risk Factors.

Due Diligence and Organizational Culture.

Due Diligence and Human Capital.

Coordinating HR into the Due-Diligence Process.

3. Welcome to the Big Leagues of Change Management.

Organizational Dynamics Created by M&As.

Concepts of Change Management.

4. The Merger Integration Work-Streams Model.

Overview of the Merger Integration Work-Streams Model.

The Critical Role of Executive Leadership.

Deploying the Model.

5. Organizing, Involving, and Coordinating Integration Task


Establishing the Integration Infrastructure.

Launching the Planning Process.

Managing the Integration Project.

6. Tell It Like It Is: Honest Communication.

Communication Models for a Merger.

Knowledge Before New Skills.

7. Don’t Let Them Jump Ship: Retaining and “Rerecruiting” Your Key


Identifying Key People.

Understanding What Motivates People.

Developing and Executing an Action Plan.

8. Setting the Organization Cures Many Ills: Structure and Staffing


Common Problems.

Ten Principles.

Fair Processes.

Staffing Process Models.

9. Keeping Track of Success: Merger Measurement Systems.

Integration Measures.

Operational Measures.

Process and Cultural Measures.

Financial Measures.

10. “But They’re So Different”?: Cultural Integration.

Defining Organizational Culture.

Discovering, Inventing, and Delivering Cultural Integration.

Answering Key Questions.

Sticking to the Implementation Plan.

Continuous Management of Cultural Integration.

11. Human Capital Integration and the Human Resources


The “Making Strategy Work”? Model.

Case Studies in Human Capital-Related Integration.

12. Merger Repair.


Merger Integration Results Assessment.

Two Tracks of Merger Repair.

13. Keys to M&A Success.

Does a Structured Approach to M&A Integration Work?.

Recommendations for Success.

Developing a Sustained M&A Capability.

Avoiding “Killer” Phrases.

Resource A: Sample Task Force Charter.

Resource B: Integration Planning Template.

Resource C: The Current State of M&A Integration.




  Timothy J. Galpin is associate professor at the University of

Dallas Graduate School of Management and a senior?fellow with

Katzenbach Partners, LLC.?He has over twenty years of experience as

a management consultant and business manager based in Europe and

North America.

  Mark Herndon is president of Parkwood Advisors, LLC, a

management consultancy focused on a broad range of strategic and

business effectiveness initiatives, including M&A strategy, due

diligence, and integration management.










  "This is a very timely and useful book. The authors are

clearly speaking from experience, and they present many practical

concepts, activities, and tools. Merger managers who read this book

are likely to increase shareholder value." --Henry Hutson,

corporate vice president of human resources, Global Knowledge

Network, Inc.

  "The tools that Tim Galpin and Mark Herndon describe have been

a great help to us in integrating people, processes, and cultures,

which are critical steps in delivering the full value of a merger

or acquisition." --Dan F. Smith, president and CEO, Lyondell

Chemical Company

  "When integrating two organizations and cultures, putting the

proper process in place is key. This guide will help you avoid the

pitfalls and follow the key steps to success." --Jeff Hemmer, vice

president of customer supply chain, Equistar Chemicals


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) experts Tim Galpin and Mark Herndon present an updated and expanded guide to planning and managing the M&A process. This comprehensive book is unique in providing the tools to address both the human and operational sides of integration. Based on the authors' consulting experience with numerous Fortune 500 companies, this resource will help organizations capture deal synergies more quickly and effectively. Augmenting their step-by-step advice with helpful templates, checklists, graphs and tools, Galpin and Herndon provide sound guidance for successfully integrating different processes, organizations, and cultures. The authors also address pre-deal do’s and don’ts, people dynamics, common mistakes, communications strategies, and specific actions you can take to create measurable positive results throughout the integration process. The revised edition not only updates case studies and presents recent integration research, but it also adds new tools.


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